
Exclusive Reports

Sun, May


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Undeniably, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it is the first thing that you eat after the night-long break that the body experiences.

It revs up your energy and fuels the body for the rest of your day. Experts suggest breakfast to be the heaviest meal of all, most nutritionally loaded.

Skipping breakfast has long been associated with triggering a host of ailments. Reportedly, a woman in China was recently operated for massive 200 gallstones owing to skipping breakfast for almost a decade.

Medical experts attributed her condition to the probable accumulation of bile juice in bile ducts and gall bladder as a result of skipping breakfast.

The 45-year old woman was also reported to have a habit of consuming irregular meal-times and eating leftovers. Though experts suggest improper dietary habits as one of the perpetrating factors for gallstone development, its exact causes have not been understood so far.

Skipping breakfast has also been tied to triggering a range of health ailments. Weight gain is one of the most common repercussions of skipping meals, especially breakfast.

If made into a habit, it may also lead to gradual cognitive decline, memory troubles, digestive issues, headaches and metabolic diseases like diabetes.

If you are one of those who are constantly pressing for time and can't really get cooking right at the start of the day, we bring to you some easy breakfast ideas that can be put together in no time. With these recipes tucked by your side you have no more reasons to skip breakfast anymore.