The Court of Appeal in Abuja has upheld the conviction and death sentence that was passed to Maryam Sanda, daughter-in-law to a onetime Peoples Democracy Party Chairman Mr. Mohammed Bello Haliru.

The court of Appeal sitting in Abuja has affirmed the death sentence passed on Maryam Sanda bordering on the culpable homicide of her husband Bilyamin Mohammed Bello in November 2017.

This Judgment was carried out by a three-man panel of Justices of the appellate court today 4th December 2020 spearheaded by Justice Stephen Adah, this was after the subject filed a 20 ground of appeal to challenge her conviction in the Federal High Court has Okayed for Sanda to die by hanging.

The convict contended that the judgment convicting her was tainted by bias and prejudices resulting in her being denied her right to a fair hearing.