The North East Development Commission has disclosed its plan of establishing a mega waste collecting point in Adamawa in its effort to support clean energy and environment. This was made known by the Environment and Natural Resource manager of the commission, Mr Sufyan Mallum during an opening season of a five-days training workshop for 100 stakeholders on climate change in Yola today. According to Mallum, the recycling plant would have the capacity of collection 100 tonnes of waste per day and shall be handed over to the state management when completed for running it.

Mallum said, “This is part of contribution of the commission to protect the environment, create an employment opportunity for the youth and develop the state and the region at large” 

He added that the project would encourage the recycling of plastic waste that have troubled our environment as well as developing a clean energy to our women. 

He revealed that women would be empowered with a starter park after the training for a start. 

Meanwhile, he enjoined the course participant to devolve the knowledge down to their community for larger participation and compliance. 

One of the resource person at the workshop, Mr. Ahmed Abba, revealed that Nigeria is one of the country that is greatly affected by environmental degradation due to both human and environmental factors. 

Another resource person, a Commissioner for Environment, Mr Mohammed Sadiq, described the training as timely considering the rate at which environmental factor are posing a challenge in the northeast. 

Sadiq represented his director in the ministry, Mr Hosea Jime, urging the participant to ensure that all hands should be on deck when it comes to saving our environment. 

He applauded the NEDC for hosting such a wonderful training urging the trainees to as well ensure they contribute their quota in fighting against climate change. 

Speaking on behalf of the participants, Mr Ishaya Innocent thanked the commission for giving them such an opportunity to be trained as climate change and its negative consequences on the environment. 

Ishaya assured the NEDC that the knowledge acquired will be shared with their community members as well as their social media handles. NAN.