Civil servants in Plateau State have commenced a five-day warning strike with effect from 12th December 2022, this is coming after the failure of the government to meet their demands of none payment of three months' salaries and non-release of third-party deductions among others. This development was made public by the Chairman of the Joint National Public Service Negotiating Council (JNPSNC) Comrade Titus L. Malau, at the conference hall of Labor House in Jos the state capital. The decision by the workers to go on strike comes a day after the state's Head of Civil Service, Sunday Chong, promised that government will pay them their outstanding salaries.

"The demands of the JNPSNC are as follows: Nonpayment of salaries for 3 months from September 2022 to date; Lack of release of Salary Structure to guide salary computation; Non-release of third party deduction from August 2022 to date and Non-release of promotion and annual increment with its arrears in full respectively.

"Others include Nonpayment of January and February 2022 annual increment arrears; Inability of Government to properly constitute and inaugurate the Joint National Service Negotiating Council in the state among others", Mr. Malau highlighted.

The joint council also faulted the White Paper Report of the high-powered Staff Audit Committee headed by Nde John Gobak, for failing to upgrade staff who were due for promotions, placing it as one of their demands.

They equally disagreed with disciplinary measures meted out to the victims of the audit report without a corresponding discipline on the authorities that falsely promoted the victims.