The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has called for the protection of children rights against violence and other forms of abuses in Nigeria. The call was made by Mr Mohamed Fall, the UNICEF representative in Nigeria on Thursday through the Communication Analyst, Kusali Kubwalo,

UNICEF Field Office Maiduguri, who said “More than 3, 500 children aged between 13 and 17 were recruited by non state armed groups between 2013 and 2017; and used in the ongoing conflict in northeast. In 2018 some 432 children were killed and maimed, 180 others abducted while 43 girls sexually abused in the war-torn region,”

Fall noted that “The anniversary of the abduction marked on April 14 is a grim reminder of the widespread abductions of children and grave violations of children’s rights continue to take place in the northeast. Children should feel safe at home, in schools, and on their playgrounds at all times.”

Consequently, UNICEF called on parties to the conflict to fulfill their obligations under international laws, and end all form of violations against children and desist from targeting community infrastructure, such as schools. Emphasizing that it is the only way a lasting improvement in the lives of children in this devastated part of Nigeria can be achieved.