President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and his Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III has called on the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to always analyse national issues bordering on peace and security before making any comment. The Sultan made this call on Wednesday during the 77th Islamic Vocation Course, organised by Zone A of the Muslim Students Society (MSS).

His comment followed the recent backdrop for designating Nigeria among countries with severe violation of religious freedom by the United State of America (USA) and a subsequent comment by CAN buttressing the US claim.

According to Sultan, “We are surprised to see now that the CAN is coming out to make such a comment, supporting the US that ‘yes Christians are persecuted in Nigeria’ yet we sit together to discuss issues of national interest, eat and drink together and then leave to our respective destinations,”

He added, he has been to the US, UK and many other countries and they have always admired the Christain-Muslim relationship in Nigeria. However, some vested interest just got into Nigeria, went round some few places and concocted a report and imposed it on the government of the United State to spew false claim.

Meanwhile, the American government without any recourse, or any consultation as a confirmatory report to affirm whether that was actually what is obtainable in Nigeria, they just went ahead and tore the line of our enemy who concocted that false report.

The Sultan explained, CAN remember, that the report was made by a foreign country based on its perspective, forgetting that there was need to look inwards for the motivation behind such report in the interest of peace and unity of the country.

Meanwhile, The Sultan also affirmed his support for the comment made by the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN) for the need to have Shariah laws embedded in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which he said are laws applicable to only Muslims in the country.