Popular teen comedy star Emmanuella and Success have parted ways with Mark Angel comedy. This is coming on the heels of recent controversy surrounding the comedy crew emanating from allegations of financial exploitative practices by a former crew member Denilson Igwe, who during a viral podcast in August accused Mark Angel of unfairness in payment and only paying them (himself and Emmanuella) a fraction of their worth.
Mark Angel, the popular comic star and founder of Mark Angel Comedy, who confirmed the development during a live session on TikTok on Tuesday, revealed that he no longer manages Emmanuella and Success, adding that they are now being managed by a professional agency because he is too busy to manage them. Although he assured fans that he will continue to collaborate with the teen comedians on creative endeavors despite the change in management.
Skitmakers like Denilson Igwe and Emmanuella have been the backbone of Angels success, up until the recent development.
The shocking exposé by Igwe has left fans stunned and questioning everything they thought they knew about Angel.
yet they’ve been paid a mere fraction of their worth. Denilson’s courageous call-out has blown the lid off Mark Angel’s exploitative practices, leaving fans.
Igwe revealed the meager amount he was paid despite the massive success of their comedy skits. Igwe’s courageous move has inspired others to share their own experiences with Angel, exposing a pattern of prioritizing profits over people. The entertainment industry was thrown abuzz with the news, sparking a vital conversation about fair pay and transparency.
Mark Angel’s reputation took a severe hit following Igwe’s call-out. The comedian’s fans are reeling in disappointment and outrage, demanding that he takes responsibility for his actions.
As the fallout continues, Angel’s reputation hangs precariously in the balance. His fans are eagerly awaiting his response to the allegations, hoping he will take steps to repair the damage. However, if he declines to act and remains silent, his reputation may suffer irreparable damage. The clock is ticking for Mark Angel to make amends with Emmanuella and Denilson and restore his reputation.