China has on Thursday announced that the biggest drop in new cases of the coronavirus has been recorded, since its outbreak, indicating that the disease control efforts are working, AFP reports.


The announcement was made by the National Health Commission in China, saying over 74,500 people have been infected in China and hundreds more across 25 countries.

The death toll so far has reached 2,118 after the recent 114 deaths that were recorded in Hubei Province, China.

Health officials have attributed the decrease in cases of new infections as proven results that the containment efforts deployed by the country.

"Results show that our control efforts are working," Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

However, the death toll in Japan has risen to 3 after an elderly man and woman who contracted the virus aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship died.

while South Korea recorded its first death with a number of infected people at 104.

Authorities in South Korea have advised citizens to remain indoors in self-isolation.

Other countries where deaths due to the epidemic have been reported include Iran, Hong Kong, France Taiwan And Philippines.