A medical expert, Dr Stephen Aderemi of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), has cautioned people against too much intake of locally prepared herbs to avoid causing grave damage to their health.

Herbs are plants with aromatic properties used for either medicinal purposes, flavouring food, or as fragrances.

According to Aderemi not all the plants reported to be useful were harmless.

The doctor added that, if plants are taken without adequate knowledge of prescription, they can cause kidney and liver dysfunction or even death in some cases.

Aderemi also said that many of the available herbal products being marketed in the country had no clear statement of content, adding that there was no information to show that they were certified by a recognised medical body.

“Herbal medicines contain toxicity and the risk that comes with it outweighs its benefits. That is why Nigerians need to refrain from its consumption, in order to prevent health mishaps.

“I pity some patients who go after traditional medicines for their ailments without knowing that they are risking their lives. Some of the herbs are harmful to the extent of damaging kidney and even resulting to death."

”Some of the so-called traditional medicines sold in Nigerian have no clear statement of content or certified by any recognised medical body, yet, Nigerian patronise them,” he said.

Aderemi expressed concern over the rate some Nigerians patronised herbal medicines based on the belief that such medicines seem to work faster and cheaper than the conventional medicines.

He also said many of the people who engaged in the business did so without any formal training.

“Most of the local herbs are deadly that should be avoided, because many of the sellers go into the business without training, but to flee from the grips of unemployment to make ends meet.”

He warned patients who found solace in local herbs to be health conscious and stop the intake of such products because such herbs had not been subjected to laboratory analysis.