Members of National Association of Resident Doctor, NARD have threatened to embark on indefinite strike from August 18, 2017 if the Federal Government fails to address their subsisting demands. The aggrieved doctors made their position known in a Communiqué issued at the end of the National Executive Council meeting held in Calabar.

The Communiqué which was signed by the President and Secretary of the Association, Dr. Onyebueze John and Dr. Aneke Emmanuel respectively, listed the concerns of the doctors to include immediate enrolment in the IPPIS, delay in the promotion of resident doctors and the delay in payment of salary shortfalls experienced between January and May 2017 as well as outstanding shortfalls from 2016.

The Communiqué listed other concerns as

"The cloud of poor working conditions and poor remunerations that our members in the state Tertiary health institutions have endured despite our appeals to relevant stakeholders and having proffered viable solutions to the quagmire.


The recent attempts by officials as of some Federal Government parastatals to erode the proper placement for resident doctors and the activities of some past and current top officials of the Ministry of Health which are viewed as inimical to the welfare and progress of the association."

It added that “in view of the negative actions and stance of the following life members of our association on the aforementioned issues, Prof Isaac Adewole, Dr Wapada Balami, Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu, they are hereby referred to NARD disciplinary committee for adjudication and further action."

“In the light of the foregoing, NARD gives the Federal Government of Nigeria 21 days to address these issues in totality failing which NARD cannot continue to guarantee industrial harmony.”