The ultimate rule of safe sex is the practice of proper and consistent use of a condom. There are various types of condoms including; ribbed, magnum, and flavoured options, which makes it a little bit confusing for people.

Latex condoms are effective at preventing pregnancies. They are also effective in reducing the risk of contacting Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including HIV. They are easily accessible, can be disposed easily, generally have a low risk of side effects, and can even make sex more pleasurable.

The relevant question is, how does one know the right size, as well as what happens if someone wears a coloured condom? All this and other thoughts come to mind when trying to make a choice of what type of condom to choose. However, what is important is staying safe while seeking sexual satisfaction.

Below, are some of the uniqueness of latex condoms including it's durability, sensational, and it's lubricant friendly.

1. Meaning of latex

Latex condom is a pure form of rubber used for lots of condoms out there. Latex condoms can fit into any size and shape and is not difficult to get. However, few people are quite sensitive to the protein in latex condoms. They also do not mix with lubricants that are oil-based lubes.

2. It's durable

They are extremely durable owing to the strong elasticity presence and it can extend up to about 700% before it finally breaks.

3. Less sensational

Latex condoms can be really un-sensational and not too comfortable, notwithstanding some latex products are more enjoyable than others for that sexual moment you truly desire.

4. Safety

Latex condoms provide protection against pregnancy and STDs, however, some people are allergic to the latex or sensitive to latex products.

5. Lubricants

Latex condoms are easily accessible with or without spermicidal lubricants. Its important to note that oil-based lubricants damage latex condoms. Also, Petroleum jelly, skin lotions or creams, cooking oil and baby oil result in loss of elasticity and finally break the condom.