Plateau State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang has call on the people of his state to avoid giving religious, political or ethnic coloration to the ongoing crises in the state instead should unite against the enemy. The Governor made this call today during a presentation of staff of office to the new Ngolong Ngas, at the Pankshin township stadium, Pankshin LGA of the state. The Governor noted that their strength lies in their unity against the enemy, and therefore should not give room to the enemy to divide them.

Mutfwang in his statement said “I charge all Plateau people not to allow our ethnic, political, and religious differences to divide us. 

“Like I have often remarked; our strength is in our unity and there is no force no matter how formidable a united people cannot overcome,” he stressed. 

Earlier, the governor said, “It is my privilege to address you on this long-awaited occasion of the coronation and presentation of the staff of office to the new Ngolong Ngas, His Royal Highness Nde Jika Golit, on First Class status. 

“This occasion is unique and very dear to my administration, as we all know the traditional institution is vital to the preservation of our cultural heritage and the promotion of our co-existence as a people who share a common identity. 

“We value the continuous maintenance of the norms, traditions, and practices that serve the greater interest of the people. 

“You are all aware that almost a decade ago, God the creator in His divine way called home the late Ngolong Ngas, Nde Joshua Dimlong of blessed memory, to eternal glory to join his ancestors. 

“This loss created a vacuum and by the special grace of God, a successor who will take over from where he stopped emerged in a peaceful process. 

“Today, by the grace of God, he will be crowned and presented with the staff of office to continue the good works of his predecessor. 

“I therefore wish to congratulate the Ngolong Ngas, Nde Jika Golit, on his ascension to the throne of his ancestors. His selection by the kingmakers, through a peaceful and rancour-free atmosphere, is worthy of emulation by other ethnic groups in the state. 

“Let me say at this point that it has become very expedient for us to hold this remarkable occasion at this crucial period of our collective existence. 

The governor continued, “As you are aware that a week of mourning was declared in honour of our beloved people who were gruesomely murdered during the cruel Christmas Eve attacks and the days that followed, in Bokkos, Mangu, and Barkin-Ladi Local Government Areas. 

“Therefore, this occasion is low key and won’t involve the usual processions, glamour and celebrations, as it should be the case, in observance of the week of mourning. May their souls rest in peace and may the Lord comfort us, most especially those directly affected.”