Nollywood actress Ini Edo has opened up about her decision to choose surrogacy and the paternity of her child. In the latest season of Young, Famous & African, Ini Edo candidly shared her personal journey when questioned by her co-stars about her marriage, the child’s paternity, and her choice of surrogacy. Ini revealed that she had difficulties carrying pregnancies to term, which led her to opt for surrogacy.
“Are you married?” Nadia asked during the conversation.
“I’m not married,” Ini responded.
Nadia further probed, “Are you with the child’s father?”
“No, I’m not,” Ini answered.
“Is he still alive?” Nadia continued.
“Well, I don’t know,” Ini replied.
“Is he dead or not? It’s a yes or no question,” Nadia pressed.
“He’s not dead. He has no involvement with us. It’s just me and my child,” Ini clarified.
In a confessional, Ini admitted, “My journey is something I haven’t really talked about because it’s personal.”
“I’m raising her alone,” she told her co-stars. “I chose surrogacy.”
She explained further, “There was no man in my life at the time, and I wanted to have a child. There are various ways to achieve that.”
“I don’t think surrogacy is a decision people make lightly,” Ini noted. “I never imagined I’d face fertility issues, but I struggled with carrying pregnancies long-term.”
“When it seemed like it wouldn’t happen naturally, and I wasn’t getting any younger, I explored my options. Surrogacy came up, so I embraced it.”
“And I’m very happy with my decision,” she concluded.
Ini also disclosed that she had undergone IVF treatments and experienced six miscarriages before deciding on surrogacy.