On Thursday, the Minister of Health Dr. Isaac Adewole officially added Amoxicillin and Zinc to the list of drugs on the Essential Medicines List (EML). The two drugs are currently used in the treatment of childhood diseases. According to the revised EML made available to Vigil360, the Amoxicillin dispersible tablets will be used for the treatment of Pneumonia while Zinc Lowosmolarity Oral Rehydration will be used for the treatment of diarrhoea.

It was gathered that Amoxicillin and Zinc were officially introduced in 2016 but failed to immediately break into the EML since the Ministry needed time to carry out all the necessary medical assessment to ascertain their suitability.

However, the recent development means that both drugs are now part of essential medicines expected to be found at the various accredited health facilities in the country.

The EDL seeks to streamline drugs deployed in healthcare facilities across the country. Drugs found on the EML have been tested and certified suitable for the treatment of certain ailments.