Members of Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) have commenced indefinite strike following the expiration of the 30 days ultimatum issued to the Federal Government to meet their demands. The National Chairman of the Union, Biobelemoye Josiah who declared the strike on Wednesday during a chat with newsmen in Ilorin, the Kwara state capital stated that the industrial action would effectively commence on Thursday, August 21.

World Health Organisation (WHO) in its latest report titled Antibacterial agents in clinical development – an analysis of the antibacterial clinical development pipeline, including tuberculosis have warned that there are very few new antibiotics under development.

Life expectancy in Nigeria has increased to 63 years for men and 66 years for women according to a recent study by researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. The Annual Global Burden of Disease study, which is the world’s largest scientific collaboration on population health, reveals new trends in illnesses, deaths, and risk factors leading to poor health.

Health workers are to vaccinate at least 33 million children aged between nine months and five years against measles in a campaign starting this October, the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) has announced.