The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) unveiled the National Drug Control Master Plan (NDCMP) in Abuja on Monday. The Master Plan is a five-year plan from 2021-2025 aimed at tackling drug trafficking and abuse across the country and created in conjunction with the United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), civil society organizations, and other relevant stakeholders. The NDLEA Chairman, Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa (Retired) was represented by the NDLEA Secretary, Mr. Shadrach Haruna at the launch of NDCMP 2021-2025.

He said “Aside from its functionality, NDCMP 2021-2025 is symbolic of the continuity and advancement in the effort of the Nigerian government to address the evolving drug situation.

“It is the outcome of two years of coordinated, collaborative, and multi-agency efforts comprising experts from all the relevant Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as well as Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

“An effective campaign against the production, trafficking, and abuse of illicit substances requires a result-oriented, proactive and all-encompassing Modus Operandi that is consistent with globally acceptable practices and standards.”

According to reports, the NDCMP 2021-2025 provides direction for all drug control campaigns presently happening nationwide and it would also identify gaps in the ongoing response against drug trafficking and abuse.

Similarly, the agency called for stiffer penalties against drug traffickers, at the annual dinner of the Institute of Change Management held in Lagos State on Monday with the theme, “Drug Abuse in Nigeria: Changing the Narrative.”

The agency said, “It is worrisome that we have some of our officers lost their lives in the course of battling with drug traffickers. But at the end of the day, some of those offenders when taken to court, are just fined and they later return to the same business.

“This is a worrisome trend that we are trying to correct in order to make the punishment stiffer.”