President Muhammadu Buhari has issued a sturdy charge to Security agencies to ensure the safe rescue of the over 100 children kidnapped from an Islamic school in Niger state. The president condemned the latest incident as "unfortunate" while directing the agencies to secure their "immediate release", Presidential spokesperson Mallam Garba Shehu said on Twitter on Tuesday. In a statement title, ‘Expedite action towards release of school children, said President Buhari received a briefing on the latest incident of school kidnapping and condemned it.

“President Muhammadu Buhari has charged the nation’s security and intelligence agencies to expedite efforts towards the recovery of the 200 children kidnapped from an Islamic school in Niger State,” the statement read in part.

Mr. Buhari has also directed government agencies to extend possible support to the families of the kidnapped children.

Recounting the latest incident reports revealed that on Sunday in the town of Tegina, gunmen on motorcycles reportedly stormed the town, opened fire indiscriminately, then seized the students from their school. Then children are between the ages of six and 18 years.

Kidnappings for ransom have frightfully continued to rise with particular reference to northern states. The unfortunate peril has almost become a daily affair with hundreds of innocent persons kidnapped in several incidents in recent months.

In February, nearly 300 girls were taken by armed men from a boarding school in Jangebe, Zamfara state. Most were later freed.