President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari has expressed deep shock by over the attack by members of the Boko Haram/Islamic State in West African Province (ISWAP) in Gubio village in Borno State which left scores dead.

The president's reaction was contained in a statement that was made available on Wednesday night by the Presidential Spokesman, Garba Shehu. He noted that the "primitive nature of the killings is particularly shocking because it happened not long after the Ramadan and Eid, and the country is preparing to celebrate Democracy Day."

The president ordered the military to sustain "successes against the terrorists to extract a heavy price from the attackers". He directed them to bring back all those kidnapped as well as the large number of cattle rustled.

Buhari expressed condolence of Nigerians to the bereaved families, communities, and government and people of Borno State.