The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has reacted to the reported plan by some public institutions to suspend the ongoing strike that has grounded academic activities across the country. Dailypost had reported that some public universities are on the verge of boycotting the over 8 weeks’ strike, and have threatened to return their students to classrooms.

But speaking in an interview with journalists in Lagos, the National President of the Union, Prof. Biotin Ogunyemi, accused the Federal Government of making moves to break its ranks. He maintained that the move by the Government shows that they are not committed to resolving the issues raised by the union. He expressed optimism that the Union would take appropriate action against such Universities.

“We know that there are some moves by government agents at federal and state levels to break our ranks.

“But our members are getting back to us and to a large extent now, our members are resolute.

“Yes, there are some overzealous chancellors and administrators in one or two universities who are trying to break these ranks.

“However, on the scale of balance, they are not having their ways. Our union shall handle that.”