Hollywood power couple Tom Holland and Zendaya’s engagement sent social media into a frenzy on Monday, with new details emerging about the Spider-Man star’s proposal. Zendaya's appearance at the 2025 Golden Globes did not go unnoticed, as the actress sported a stunning ring on her finger, sparking widespread online speculation. According to TMZ on January 6, 2024, Holland proposed in a private and intimate setting at one of Zendaya's family homes in the U.S., sometime between Christmas and New Year's. Sources revealed that it was a personal moment shared just between the couple, without their families present.
Contrary to expectations of a grand gesture, the proposal was described as romantic and understated, reflecting the close bond between the two.
Holland and Zendaya first went public with their relationship in 2021, after meeting on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming years earlier. Since then, they have become one of Hollywood’s most talked-about couples.
Despite the engagement, insiders noted that wedding plans are on hold for now, as both actors are currently committed to several major Hollywood projects.