President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the patent right for the production and consumption of the Nigerian antiretroviral drug for the cure of HIV/ AIDS developed by Prof. Maduike Ezeibe, a renowned researcher at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike in Abia State.

"It was a beautiful thing to watch," Dr. Giuliano Testa, the surgical chief of abdominal transplantation at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, said during the successful delivery of the first American baby born from a transplanted uterus.

The baby was delivered last month to a mother who had been born without a uterus, and received a transplant at Baylor University Medical Center, last September as part of an ongoing study.

The woman suffered from a type of infertility referred to as Absolute Uterine Factor Infertility, affecting approximately 1 in 500 women, where the uterus is non-functioning or nonexistent.

Indulgent grandparents may be having an adverse impact on their grandchildren's health, say researchers.

The University of Glasgow study, published in PLOS One journal, suggests grandparents are often inclined to treat and overfeed children.

Billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is to invest $50 million in the Dementia Discovery Fund, a venture capital fund that brings together industry and government to seek treatments for the brain-wasting disease.

The investment is not part of Gates’ philanthropic Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and will be followed with another $50 million in a number of start-up ventures working in Alzheimer’s research, Gates said.

UNICEF says Yemen’s stocks of fuel and vaccines will run out in a month unless a Saudi-led military coalition allows aid into the blockaded port of Hodeidah and Sanaa airport.

UNICEF’s representative, Meritxell Relano, who said this on Friday on phone with newsmen in Geneva, said fuel prices had risen to 60 percent in that country.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania medical center, Penn Medicine, will soon begin clinical trials of a uterine, or womb, transplant.

The highly anticipated experimental procedure would allow women without a uterus due to the disease uterine factor infertility (UFI) a second chance at carrying a child, and even may offer transgender women born without the organ a chance to carry children as well.