The World Health Organisation (WHO) has disclosed that the monkeypox outbreak that was recently declared a public health emergency was discovered to be more prevalent among men who sleep with their counterparts. WHO Director General, Tedros Ghebreyesus stated this yesterday during a media briefing where he declared the monkeypox outbreak as a public health emergency of global concern. Ghebreyesus said, “So, in short, we have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly, through new modes of transmission, about which we understand too little and which meets the criteria in the International Health Regulations,”.

He explained that “Although I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern, for the moment, this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. 

Therefore he revealed that it is an outbreak that can be stopped using a deliberate effort in the right group. 

According to the WHO boss, it is essential for all countries to closely monitor communities that practice gay amongst men so that effective information services are delivered through adopting a measure that will protect both potential victims in falling prey. 

Meanwhile, a study journal of medicine published in England revealed that the cases of monkeypox are prevalent among men who sleep with their men counterparts. 

According to the study, out of 528 infections diagnosed between April 27 and June 24, 2022, at 43 sites in 16 countries, 98 percent of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men. 

Therefore, epidemiology, Jennifer Nuzzo at Brown University said, this was the bases for which the researchers concluded that infections are so far predominant among gay partners. 

She concluded therefore that, the clinical presentation of the infection suggests that sexual transmission is responsible for spreading the disease not just body contact among the population. 

Consequently, the expert suggests that gay communities should be the first group to receive the monkeypox vaccine when it is available.