The discovery of a patient suspected of suffering from Lassa fever has resulted in patients deserting the Kubwa General Hospital in Abuja, out of apprehension of contacting the deadly disease.

The incident occurred on Wednesday night when a female patient was brought into the hospital, after vomiting blood.

According to reports, one of the doctors at the hospital noticed a patient, who was profusely vomiting blood at the accident and emergency ward of the hospital, he cautiously avoided having physical contact with her and immediately raised alarm to encourage patients to vacate the ward.

Patients began panicking and despite some being in critical condition scampered for safety out of fear of being infected.

The Chief Medical Director, Dr Lasisi, in a bid to quell the situation geared up in face mask and apron to treat the patient.

Several tests were said to have been conducted on the patient, which was consequently sent to a laboratory at a specialist hospital in Irua, Edo State, for further investigation.

Meanwhile, the patient was said to have been quarantined to preempt any possible spread of the deadly disease.