The Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice, Lateef Fagbemi, has issued a strong warning to politicians who use social media to disparage Nigeria, asserting that such individuals do not deserve leadership roles in the country.

Speaking at the Abuja Social Media Summit themed “Harnessing the Power of Social Media for National Development,” Fagbemi emphasized the importance of responsible discourse, stating, “We must weigh our words before we utter them. Once spoken, they cannot be retrieved.”

The AGF called for unity in efforts to transform Nigeria into a stronger nation, highlighting the commitment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration to this goal. “All hands must be on deck to steer Nigeria out of its current challenges,” he added.

Fagbemi underscored the significance of using social media platforms not just for personal expression but to foster economic growth, improve governance, enhance civic engagement, and promote societal progress. He noted that social media can play a vital role in increasing transparency and accountability, facilitating citizen participation, disseminating public service announcements, and providing feedback mechanisms.

However, he also addressed the potential pitfalls of social media, including misinformation, digital inequality, cybersecurity threats, and privacy concerns. “To overcome these challenges, collaboration among government, civil society, and private sector stakeholders is essential to create an enabling environment for social media-driven national development,” Fagbemi concluded.

In his remarks, the AGF, represented by his spokesman Kamarudeen Ogundele, condemned the practice of “demarketing” Nigeria on the international stage for political gain, stating that such behavior reflects unpatriotic tendencies. “Those who choose to speak ill of their country to settle political differences should never be afforded the opportunity to lead,” he asserted.