West Ham have been charged by the Football Association for breaching anti-doping rules. The Hammers are alleged to have failed to provide accurate information on ‘club whereabouts’ separate occasions in the 12 months, said a statement on the FA website. Clubs are required to provide details of training sessions and players whereabouts so they are available for testing at all times.

The Premier League club have until 27 February to respond to the charge. A West Ham spokesman said: "We would like to make it clear that the breach is a club administrative matter and does not concern any of our players.


"The breach relates to administrative oversights on the FA's whereabouts system, for example a player's address had been registered and the house number digits transposed, and the club will be responding to the FA in due course.


West Ham have been charged in relation to regulation 14 (d) of the FA's anti-doping rules. The rules state: "It shall be a breach by the club if the information contained in such reports is either initially inaccurate or has not been updated by the club as necessary to ensure it remains accurate."


Breach of this regulation does not constitute an anti-doping rule violation, but instead constitutes misconduct, according to the anti-doping rules


Manchester City were fined £35,000 for a similar incident a year ago.