Manchester United manager, Jose Mourihno has admitted making tactical mistakes on Tuesday night after his side lost 1-2 to Spanish side, Sevilla in the Champions League round of 16 at Old Trafford. The former Chelsea and Real Madrid gaffer who spoke after the game revealed that it was his fault, rather than that of his players, who he believes did their jobs well.  Speaking to Mega TV he said

"When a team win, everyone wins, but when a team loses, the coach loses. It's the same everywhere, in England, in Spain and in China. I have lost and clearly I have made mistakes.

"That's football; I knew that with 0-0 in Sevilla with what they had done it was good for them. They had a position of control. They had the ball during some important periods of the game and in that perspective we could have scored, we had chances, and they scored.

"With the score at 1-0 and after equalising we would have kept going until the end, but with the second goal they had control of the game. They've done well, I congratulate them and wish them the best.

"They are your feelings [that United were worse than Sevilla] and maybe others' too, but not mine. In Seville we controlled the game but didn't score. Here they controlled the game and had luck to score. It seems to be quite a balanced tie to me.

"It would mean the same, but I'd see it as being a bit fairer if it was a score draw and they went through. The last few minutes weren't normal, they were out of control. I congratulate Sevilla, they won well, they scored more goals than us and I hope they're happy in the quarter-finals."