Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho informed newsmen in Madrid "the case is closed" following payment of a fee to settle accusations of tax fraud.

Mourinho arrived First Instance and Instruction No.4 court in Pozuelo de Alarcon, Madrid, around 9:30 a.m. local time on Friday to reply to charges of a €3.3 million tax fraud, which he has perpetually denied.

Lawyers at Spain's Hacienda tax authority had indicted Mourinho of making use of companies in New Zealand, Ireland and the British Virgin Islands to cover up image rights income received when he was Real Madrid manager in 2011 and 2012.

In a statement he made earlier this year, Mourinho revealed that he had paid €26m in taxes during his three years living in Spain as Madrid coach and had beforehand "entered into a settlement agreement regarding 2013."

He told media upon leaving the court: "I was told that my tax situation was completely legal".

"A few years later I was told that there was an investigation opened and they told me that to regularise my situation I had to pay sum X".

"I did not answer, I did not argue, I have paid and signed with the state that I am definitely in compliance and the case is closed. That is why I am here, nothing else."

However, asked if the court date was a "distraction" for himself or his team ahead of the showdown at Stamford Bridge on Sunday, Mourinho said: "No. It's just a change of normal training time because I want to be there and I can't be there in the morning so I have to change the timings."

In the same court Cristiano Ronaldo testified in his tax fraud hearing on July 31, where the Portuguese pair's agent, Jorge Mendes, spoke in front of the judge hearing a similar case involving current Monaco striker Radamel Falcao on June 27.