Italian football federation (FIGC) president Gabriele Gravina said Wednesday he was determined that the Serie A season would be concluded even going into August.

Italy has been the hardest hit, with over 7,500 casualties and at least 74,300 confirmed cases, as hospitals and emergency workers struggle to cope. With this development, all sporting activities have been suspended in Italy until April 3; the pandemic which has forced the postponement of Euro 2020 and the Tokyo Olympics.

Various Serie A owners have debated whether the 2019-20 campaign should resume or be cancelled but Gravina is not giving up hope on the current season following the postponements of Euro 2020, the Copa America and the Olympic Games.

"We will do everything to complete the championships, if necessary we will ask for the support of UEFA and FIFA to go beyond June 30 and play also in July or August," Gravina told Radio Marte.

"It's premature to think of a date, but we must think positively, also for the health of Italians and hope that this situation will end as soon as possible."

The FIGC chief further added that "Right now, there's no room for individual interests. I plead for common sense because, ultimately, it's the FIGC that will have to decide."

A meeting is scheduled Thursday between the representatives of the Italian league, FIGC, the players' union, coaches and the government to evaluate the future. "Tomorrow [Thursday], there will be a new appointment with the government to work on a series of proposals that concern some amendments, which the government will assess, but there are many other issues of our relevance."

"We don't want to ask for money, but we're denouncing a state of crisis. We ask the government to help us with a series of measures to help modernise our game.

"We'll see them tomorrow, then we will meet again next week for a permanent and constant worktable, putting together indispensable ideas to form projects.

"I consider [cancelling the season] a defeat of mine and one that diminishes the value of the competition. It would lead to an unpleasant scenario.

"I stubbornly reject any reflections that lead to such a conclusion. For as long as possible, I will continue to reject these hypotheses."

As for the suspended championship, Gravina rejected either cancelling or assigning the title as the table stands where champions Juventus were leading by a point when the season was halted.

"This would lead to an unpleasant scenario. As long as possible, I will continue to reject these options."