Football star Wayne Rooney has been banned from driving for two years after he pleaded guilty to a charge of drink-driving. The former England and Manchester United captain will also have to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work as part of a 12-month community order.

His defence said the footballer, who was nearly three times over the legal limit, "wishes to express remorse" over the incident, saying it was a "terrible mistake and error of judgment".

The 31-year-old also said he had let himself, his family and his fans down.

Rooney appeared at Stockport Magistrates on Monday (18 September), the day after returning to Old Trafford for the first time since leaving for boyhood club Everton in the summer.

The judge told him during sentencing: "I accept your remorse is genuine. I accept the effects this has had on you and your family."

The court heard how Rooney was arrested in the early hours of September 1, when police stopped a car he was driving in Wilmslow, Cheshire, due to a faulty break light.

The vehicle reportedly belonged to a woman he had met in the Bubble Room bar in Alderley Edge earlier that evening. His pregnant wife and their three sons were on holiday at the time.

Rooney admitted to officers that he had consumed a few alcoholic drinks earlier that night, the court heard.

The breathalyser read 104mg per 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

In a statement issued after the court appearance, Rooney apologised for his "unforgivable lack of judgment".

He said: "Following today's court hearing I want publicly to apologise for my unforgivable lack of judgment in driving while over the legal limit. It was completely wrong.

"I have already said sorry to my family, my manager and chairman and everyone at Everton FC. Now I want to apologise to all the fans and everyone else who has followed and supported me throughout my career.

"Of course I accept the sentence of the court and hope that I can make some amends through my community service."

His defence said it is likely Everton will fine him two weeks' worth of wages over the conviction.

On Sunday, Rooney was given a warm reception at Old Trafford where his former club Manchester United beat his current team Everton 4-0.

The father-of-three, who is England's record goal scorer, rejoined his boyhood team after 13 years with Manchester United.