In late 2023, WhatsApp introduced a highly useful feature for Android users, allowing them to log into two separate WhatsApp accounts simultaneously on a single device. This feature is particularly beneficial for users with dual-SIM phones, whether through a combination of physical SIM and eSIM or two physical SIM cards. Previously, the only workaround for using two WhatsApp accounts on one phone was to log one number into WhatsApp Business, which was inconvenient for those with a second personal line.
While Android users have enjoyed this functionality for over a year, iPhone users have been left waiting. However, this may soon change. According to WABetaInfo, a trusted source for WhatsApp updates, a new beta version of WhatsApp for iOS includes the ability to "add and manage multiple accounts within the app." This feature is currently available to users enrolled in the WhatsApp iOS beta program, which allows early testing to identify and resolve bugs before a wider release.
The update will enable iPhone users to log into multiple WhatsApp accounts within the same app, making it easier to manage personal, professional, or other accounts separately. WABetaInfo notes that "notifications, chats, backups, and settings will remain distinct for each account, as each account will operate independently within the app."
This development aligns with WhatsApp's recent efforts to improve cross-platform functionality. For years, users faced challenges when switching between iPhone and Android, often losing their chat history. Additionally, WhatsApp only recently introduced the ability to link an account to up to four devices, allowing access to chats on laptops or secondary phones. Unlike competitors such as Telegram or Facebook Messenger (also owned by Meta, WhatsApp's parent company), WhatsApp accounts are tied to phone numbers, which has historically limited flexibility.
For iPhone users, this update will be particularly useful given the absence of dual-SIM slots in most models. In the UK, for example, the feature will require at least one eSIM number. This means users with a personal SIM and a work eSIM can now manage both WhatsApp accounts seamlessly within the same app.
While the feature is still "under development" with no confirmed release date, its arrival will undoubtedly simplify life for many. Carrying two phones just to use WhatsApp on different numbers has long been a hassle, and it's unfortunate that iPhone users have had to wait so long for this update. Nonetheless, its eventual rollout will be a welcome improvement.