South-West governors have been given the conditions within which the personnel of the Western Nigerian Security Network, popularly known as "Operation Amotekun" would be allowed to bear firearms by the Inspector General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu.


According to Public Relations Officer, DCP Frank Mba, license issuance to any security outfit or state institution cannot be done without conforming with the contents and provision of the Firearms Act of the Nigerian law, meaning any request which does not conform or is not compatible with the law would be turned down.


“There is a law in this country; the Firearms Act, which regulates gun usage, ownership and licensing. It is a federal legislation and every request must be in line with the provision and contents of that act. It is not at the discretion of the Inspector-General of Police; it is the provision of the law. So it is simple," Mba said.


“So, whatever you want in this regard, if it is not compatible with that law, that request would be turned down. The request will be assessed within the confines of that law.


“I have not seen their (states) request, and speaking generally, not about Amotekun now, but all I know is that every request for license, irrespective of where it is coming from, will be assessed strictly on its merit.


“By merit, I mean it will be assessed strictly in line with the provisions of the Firearms Act. No license will be issued or any request ascertained outside the context and provisions of the law. We are a country guided by law and we will work with the provisions of the Firearms Act.”