Alhaji Jimoh Olumoye in Akoko-Edo branch, a former chairman of the Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE), was reported to have been kidnapped along Igarra-Okpe Road on his way to his farm.


According to his family members, Alhaji Olumoye was abducted on Sunday afternoon while driving in a car to pick his children from the farm.


His children raised alarm when they found their father’s car with its doors opened and his phones abandoned on their way back home.


“His children had gone to the farm early in the morning and he promised to go and pick them in the afternoon before he would attend his family meeting.


“The children waited endlessly for their father and when they did not see him, decided to be walking home. On their way home, they met his car on the road with the four doors opened and his mobile phone abandoned. After searching for their father fruitlessly, they decided to now come home to inform the family. (Daily Post)