The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) says the recent proscription of Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) is in order, contrary to mixed reactions trailing the decision of the court.


In a statement made available to the media by the Director of the organization, Professor Ishaq Akintola, on Monday, 29th July, 2019, MURIC said it considers the proscription of IMN as a decisive and necessary action stressing that Nigerians who sincerely want to see peace and stability must, therefore, give FG a free hand on this.


“It will be recalled that we suggested that FG should initiate dialogue with the leadership of the Nigerian Muslim community and leaders of IMN in order to find an amicable settlement for the Shiite imbroglio.


“But more revelations have since come to our attention in the last 48 hours. For example, at least two Muslim neighbours of the Shiites came out openly and in writing to reveal stunning incidents of the use of violence by the group. Their experiences date back to the 90s.


“A major Islamic organization which is based in the North, the Jamaatu Ikhmad al-Bid’ah wa Ihyais-Sunnah (JIBWIS) also issued a strong statement calling on FG not to handle the Shiites with soft gloves. Most importantly, the testimonies have revealed a dangerous Shiite principle of non-recognition of either a federal or state government.

“Based on these new developments, we have no other choice than to call on Nigerians to allow FG to handle the situation, particularly in the face of large scale insecurity in the country. FG has been accused of inability to rein in the general state of insecurity in the country. Some have accused FG of failure to take decisive actions to stem the tide.

“MURIC considers the proscription of IMN as a decisive and necessary action. Nigerians who sincerely want to see peace and stability must, therefore, give FG a free hand on this. Boko Haram would not have festered so badly had former President Goodluck Jonathan taken action when he should.


“It is also our considered opinion that members of the civil society and individuals defending the Shiites are not looking at the larger picture. FG has more comprehensive information. Civil society must ponder over Shiite ideology which rejects the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and all constituted authority within the country including traditional rulers.


“We contend that Christian groups are most hypocritical. They support the Shiites because they tend to see it as an opportunity to decimate Islamdom, particularly in Nigeria. What really matters to them is how to weaken Islam in the country. It sounds too much like ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’.


“It is well known that the present conflict is between the Shiites, FG, and the Kaduna State government. Mainstream Islam is not involved. Knowing the excesses of their Shiite neighbours, other Islamic organizations decided to remain aloof ab initio. Christian leaders who want to exploit the silence of Islamic organizations as an opportunity to create more division between the Sunnis and the Shiites now started pretending to sympathize with the Shiites. The latter is quick to grab the straw.


“Otherwise why should they be the ones defending a Muslim group which even mainstream Muslims regard as dangerous? Why this sudden act of ‘benevolence’? Come to think of it: who opposed Nigeria’s membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC)? Who kicked against the introduction of Shariah? Who fought the advent of Islamic banking tooth and nail? Who is behind the infringement on the rights of Muslims particularly the hijab issue in the South West?