The World Health Organization (WHO) has on Friday urged countries to prepare for the likely spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant. WHO spokesperson, Christian Lindmeier said this, noting that scientist are still studying the new variant, explaining that it will take another two weeks before more information about how transmissible and dangerous the variant is. “It is much more preferred to prepare your country, your health system to possibly incoming cases because we can be pretty sure that this Omicron variant will spread around,” he said.

He noted that the delta variant, detected few months ago is now spread “with over 90 per cent all around the world.”

“This is how this virus behaves and we will not most likely be able to keep it out of individual countries.”

Lindmeier also warned against unconfirmed reports about the Omicron variant.

“Let’s not get deterred right now, let us first get as much information as possible to make the correct risk assessment based on the information that we will have and then let’s move on.

“Let’s not get completely worried or confused by individual information which are all individually important, but which need to be brought together in order to assess together,” he said.