Olympic Gold medalist, Usain Bolt is set to undergo trial at Borussia Dortmund in March 2018, preparatory for a possible switch to Manchester United. The holder of the world records for 100m and 200m disclosed this in an interview with Daily Express. According to him;

"In March, we're going to do trials with Dortmund and that will determine what I do with that career and which way it goes. If they say I'm good and that I need a little bit of training then I'll do it."

"I don't get nervous but this makes me nervous because this is different, it is football now. It will take some time to adjust, but when I play a few times I'll get used to it. When I started track and field, it was the same.

"I was nervous until I got used to the crowd and the people and then everything falls into place. One of my biggest dreams is to sign for Manchester United and if Dortmund say I'm good enough, I'll work and train hard. I've spoken to Sir Alex Ferguson and told him he needs to put in a good word and he said that if I get fit and ready, he'll see what he can do."

The 31-year-old is an avid supporter of Manchester United and had earlier hinted of a carrier change in the peak of his track event.