President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday commended the effort of the officers and men of the Nigerian Armed forces, saying their effort cannot be overlooked as it has stabilised the security threat in most parts of the country.

Buhari stressed that the Boko Haram insurgents has been considerably defeated such that they can only penetrate soft targets for their onslaughts.


Mr. President made this claim during the launching of the Armed Forces Remembrance Day Celebration Emblem and Appeal Fund held at the State House Abuja on Wednesday, he informed the officers that the nation has recognised their gallantry in the spate of the onslaught on the masses. Their sacrifices in their campaign against the insurgency and the overall internal security have been appreciated.


He suggested that all heads must be together to checkmate the onslaught targeted on the Nigerian masses soft targets, who are mostly innocent Nigerians. Buhari reiterated his government support in all logistics required to support the fight using modern warfare equipments and at the same time paying attention to their welfare.


Buhari vowed that peace and security in Nigeria is a non negotiable, while directing the security agencies to do what is required of them by the law.


He assured the Armed Forces that his administration will continue to gather more allies with neighbours and friends in the international community for the total defeat of the Boko Haram.


President Buhari directed that the military leadership should as a matter of urgency pay attention to the entitlement of the fallen heroes who have paid the ultimate price in their line of duties.


He noted that it is unfortunate the cost of war against the insurgents that lead to lots of lives may inflict deep wounds on their loved ones, but it is a call of necessity.