Head of the world Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has berated those that have a high appetite for wealth and power to the detriment of others in Christendom while reminding them that the Christian deity is about salvation and that Jesus Christ who symbolizes Christianity was poor during his time on earth. Recalling Jesus Christ's birth, the Pope rebukes those “ravenous” with the high quest for wealth and power at the expense of the vulnerable, including children during the Christmas Eve sermon in the present horrible decrying war torn-world, where poverty and greed have overtaken mankind.

Christmas celebration is an annual event that is celebrated by Christendom worldwide on every 25th of December which according to Christian scripture marks the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Delivering his sermon at St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis presided over the evening Mass attended by a mammoth crowd of about 7,000 faithful, including tourists and pilgrims, who trooped to the church and took their place behind rows of white-robed pontiffs.
The pontiff lamented, “While animals feed in their stalls, men and women in our world, in their hunger for wealth and power, consume even their neighbors, their brothers, and sisters.” 

He queried, “How many wars have we seen? And in how many places, even today, are human dignity and freedom treated with contempt? 

Though Pope did not cite any specific example, he laments, “As always, the principal victims of this human greed are the weak and vulnerable,” 

He added, “This Christmas, too, as, in the case of Jesus, a world ravenous for money, power, and pleasure does not make room for the little ones, for the so many unborn, poor, and forgotten children,” the pope said, reading his homily with a voice that sounded tired and almost hoarse. 

“I think above all of the children devoured by war, poverty, and injustice,” he concluded.