Edo State government has immortalized renowned musician Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, by naming the upcoming Edo Arena after him. Governor Godwin Obaseki made the announcement during a groundbreaking ceremony held on Wednesday at the former Garrick Memorial School Ground on Ekehuan Road.

The Governor expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "It was a pleasure to have our global music icon @heisrema join me in performing the groundbreaking ceremony for the 6,000-capacity Edo Arena. This arena, now officially named ‘Rema’s Dome,’ will be a major addition to our city."

Obaseki highlighted the multifaceted role the arena will play, envisioning it as a significant tourist attraction and a venue for a variety of events including religious, social, and political gatherings. He emphasized that the arena will contribute to boosting the local economy.

Rema, who was in Benin City for his homecoming concert at Ogbe Stadium, expressed his gratitude and excitement at the ceremony. The singer, who laid the first block of the construction, praised the governor and the people of Edo State for their support and the progress made in the state.

"I am happy to be here. I thank the Edo people for their prayers and support. I am proud of the state, especially the growth recorded so far," Rema said. He further expressed his pride in the unity and ambition of the state’s youth, committing to support initiatives that drive and inspire them.

The groundbreaking event was attended by various dignitaries including the gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Asue Ighodalo, and Commissioner for Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Diaspora Affairs, Uyi Oduwa Malaka. Rema's involvement in the event underscored his ongoing connection to his roots and his commitment to contributing positively to his community.