Following the surge in the daily record of coronavirus in the country, the Federal Government has blamed the religious organizations for sabotaging the national response in the country through their action of organizing large gatherings and holding events against the laydown protocols.

The Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, also the Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, Boss Mustapha, made this known yesterday during the joint national briefing of the task force.

According to him, his team has been relentlessly engaging stakeholders at various strata on the impact arising as the result of the pandemic such as gender-based violence, mental health, and others.

The SGF revealed rather sadly, some faith-based organizations instead of helping the people to deter them from contracting the disease, thy recklessly continued to hold mass gatherings capable of increasing the surge.

Mustapha continued, “The PTF urges all sub-national entities that signed the protocols with these organizations, and have primary responsibility for enforcing the protocols, to step up their roles of enforcement,”

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) yesterday confirmed a fresh 675 new cases of the dreaded virus reported from 15 states of the federation with a death toll pushed to 1,190.