Fomer world footballer of the year and brazilian legend Ronaldinho who is in a prison awaiting trial after entering Paraguay with a fake passport particiapted in a tournament with fellow detainees in order to win a 16 kilogram suckling pig.

The 39-year-old initial purpose in Paraguay was to attend the launch of his new book ‘Genius of Life’, but was detained while in a hotel and is now in custody at the Agrupacion Especializada in Asunción.

The prison he is detained in staged a futsal tournament unsurprosongly, Ronaldinho was the star of the show with 5goals and 6 assist of the 11 goals his team scored.

Ronaldinho team won the final of the tournament 11-2. According to people inside the prison, Ronaldinho is less dejected now and has been going out in the prison yard more.

The superstar is scheduled to return to court next Tuesday.