Globacom, a Telecom GSM operator has introduced an innovative Device Financing Scheme called, “Buy now pay small-small” to make its customers more connected to each other and more productive. The statement by the telecom company yesterday said, the package “Buy now pay small-small” is targeted to bridge the digital divide and empower individuals and businesses with cutting-edge technology through ensuring availability of latest smartphones and devices to its customers, thus enhancing connectivity and productivity.
It added, “We are offering customers flexible payment options, to allow customers to spread the cost of their new devices over manageable monthly instalments. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can enjoy the benefits of the latest technology”, said Globacom, in the statement issued in Lagos. The scheme, which is available to all new and existing Glo customers who can enjoy the benefits of the device financing program on purchase of new devices, covers a broad selection of smartphones and other smart devices from top brands.
Accordingly, varieties of payment plans have been made available for customers to choose from, depending on the one that suits the customer budgets. The plan has terms ranging up to 6 months, in addition to special interest with all flagship devices.
Globacom, revealed that customers who purchase any of the devices under the scheme will instantly receive 18GB Data over six months explained that its focus remains on customer satisfaction, technological advancement, and setting industry standards.
Meanwhile, It advised customers to visit any Gloworld shop across Nigeria to take advantage of this exciting offer.