Instant Messaging Service WhatsApp has updated its supported platform requirement for Android devices. As a part of the changes, the platform will stop working on select Android smartphones and tablets. With updates to the app's compatibility, some older devices will no longer be able to support WhatsApp. According to the updated WhatsApp support page, devices running Android 4.0 or KitKat or older will no longer be compatible with the new version of the WhatsApp app.
The change applies to both smartphones and tablets. This means the messaging app will no longer be supported on Android KitKat or older devices.
According to WhatsApp, the reason behind these changes is to offer a better user experience and new and improved features that newer and more capable devices will be able to support. This is to clear any doubts people have about why WhatsApp is removing support from older devices.
This change also has to do things with safety and privacy. Older versions of Android do not usually receive regular security patches that make the devices vulnerable to malware and viruses.
Listed below are some of the Android phones known to be affected by the January 1 change at the time of publishing:
• Samsung: Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Ace 3, Galaxy S4 Mini
• Motorola: Moto G (1st Gen), Razr HD, Moto E 2014
• HTC: One X, One X+, Desire 500, Desire 601
• LG: Optimus G, Nexus 4, G2 Mini, L90
• Sony: Xperia Z, Xperia SP, Xperia T, Xperia V
Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has revealed that these changes are part of regular updates designed to ensure the app remains secure and functional while being compatible with newer devices. Later in 2025, WhatsApp will also stop supporting iPhones of a similar age.