Rwandan President, Paul Kagame for the fourth term has emerged the winner of the presidential election after winning a swooping 99.15 percent of the vote in an election where only two challengers were allowed to run against him. The outcome of the poll did not come as a surprise to many, with Kagame ruling the small African nation with an iron fist as de facto leader then president for three decades.

Partial results issued by the election commission seven hours after polls closed showed that Kagame had won 99.15 percent of the vote — even more than the previous 98.79 percent he got in the last poll seven years back.

According to the results issued with 79 percent of ballots counted, his opponent from the Democratic Green Party, Frank Habineza could only muster 0.53 percent while independent Philippe Mpayimana got 0.32 percent,

In an address from the headquarters of the ruling party, Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), the 66-year-old thanked Rwandans for giving him another chance of five years in office.

Kagame said, “The results that have been presented indicate a very high score, these are not just figures, even if it was 100 percent, these are not just numbers”.

“These figures show the trust, and that is what is most important,” he added.

“I am hopeful that together we can solve all problems.”

‘Safe and transparent’

It was learned that full provisional results will be ready by July 20 and definitive results by July 27.

“In general, the electoral process happened in a safe and transparent atmosphere for Rwandans living abroad and at home,” the National Electoral Commission said in a statement.

Kagame has been credited with rebuilding a traumatized nation after the 1994 genocide — but he is also accused of ruling in a climate of fear at home, and fomenting instability in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.

Out of the nine million Rwandans population, about two million were first-time voters who registered to cast their ballot, with the presidential race being held at the same time as legislative elections for the first time.

“(Kagame) gives us everything we ask him, such as health insurance. This is why he wins by a big margin,” said 34-year-old mechanic Francois Rwabakina.

In a chronicle of Kagame election history, he won with more than 93 percent of the vote in 2003, 2010 and in 2017, when he again easily defeated the same two challengers.

He has overseen controversial constitutional amendments that shortened presidential terms from seven to five years and reset the clock for the Rwandan leader, allowing him to potentially rule until 2034.