The two Chibok schoolgirls, Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu, who escaped from Boko Haram captivity in 2014, shared their experience with US President, Donald Trump, during their recent visit to the white House.

According to the White House which released more photos of the visit on Saturday, the girls “read the President a letter about their experience”.

Below is the excerpt of the letter:

“Mr. President, we urge you to keep America safe and strong.

“We know that some people are trying to discourage you.

“Do not be discouraged. You are right to keep American safe and strong.

“Not only for America. But for the world.

“If America is not safe and strong, where can people like us look for hope, when there is danger?

“Finally, we urge you to keep making America prosperous.”

Trump and his daughter, Ivanka, hosted the Chibok schoolgirls during their visit, the White House said.

The Boko Haram insurgents broke into the school and kidnapped the girls, who were sitting for their final exams.

“But approximately 50 of the girls have escaped, including Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu, who visited President Donald Trump, and his daughter, Ivanka Trump, at the White House last Tuesday.

“The girls are recent graduates of Canyonville Christian Academy in Oregon, and they were accompanied by the school President, Doug Wead.

“The President and Ivanka were both deeply moved by the girls’ visit,” the statement by the White House read.

The Chibok schoolgirls’ visit coincided with the U.S. State Department’s release of its annual Trafficking in Persons Report.

“In the wake of the report, the two Chibok schoolgirls’ visit to the White House was a reminder that the survivors of the scourge of human trafficking are heroes whose courage can inspire us all,” the White House said.

“Let us recommit ourselves to finding those still in the shadows of exploitation, and let us celebrate the heroes who continue to shine on the darkness of human trafficking.”

On the night of April 14, 2014, Boko Haram terrorists attacked the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, Borno.