The traditional ruler of Obudi Agwa community in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State, Eze Ignitus Asor, has been killed by gunmen, on Monday. Five other persons were reportedly killed when some armed youths stormed the palace of the traditional ruler where a dispute between locals was being arbitrated and opened fire on him. The state Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mike Abattam, while confirming the incident to newsmen in Owerri, said the hoodlums drove to the palace of the monarch and pretended to be persons in distress that needed help. It was when the monarch welcomed them into his palace that they, in the process, pulled out their guns and shot at the traditional ruler and two others.

Apart from invading the community, the criminals also stormed neighbouring Mgbala community, shot a pregnant woman and a local security officer.

On their way, they attacked the office of the Agwa vigilante group, shot one person and made away with three motorcycles.

Abattam said: “Preliminary investigation revealed that the hoodlums came in four vehicles and two motorcycles, in the company of a woman, disguising themselves as persons in distress and have come to report an emergency to him.”

The unsuspecting Royal father allowed them into his palace and sat with them. While they explained the reason for their visit, they brought out guns, shot and killed the Eze and two of his aides, and hurriedly fled the palace.