President Muhammadu Buhari has explained why his administration decided not to use maximum force to free the victims of the Abuja-Kaduna train attack which terrorists kept in captivity for up to five months. Speaking on Thursday, while meeting with representatives of the victims of the Kaduna train abduction at the State House, the President said the military jettisoned the use of lethal force so that innocent souls will not be killed. While condoling with families of the victims, President Buhari said that after the terrible and cowardly attack by the criminal elements on March 28, 2022, the nation had joined them to endure a period of difficulty and emotional pains. President Buhari however, gave an assurance that the remaining 31 victims in the custody of the terrorists will be rescued and join their families before long.

"I have been informed that at last count, there remained about 31 people in the hands of the kidnappers and our determination is to work towards returning these 31 to their families."

"It is understandable that emotions typically run high. We have received several suggestions about the deployment of lethal military force in extracting those still being held in captivity.

"This option has indeed been considered and evaluated. However, the condition to guarantee a successful outcome and minimize potential collateral damage could not be assured, and therefore that course of action had to be reluctantly discarded", he said.

Commenting on his recent instruction to security and law enforcement agencies to bring an end to inhumane action against innocent Nigerians, the president said: "Judging by the available reports to me and news that have begun emerging in the last few days, I wish to say they have heard this instruction and are responding appropriately.

"In the past couple of days, you must have heard about the number of terrorists neutralized by the military, and a number of hostages freed. These efforts will not stop or reduce.

We must take the fight to the terrorists and demonstrate that there is no hiding place for them within the borders of our country. Each one of them will be hunted and pursued and spoken to in the language they understand."