Action Against Hunger (ACF) a humanitarian organisation said in a statement that a member of staff was among the missing after a convoy of aid workers was ambushed on the road to Damasak near the border with Niger on Thursday.“One of the drivers was killed, while one Action Against Hunger staff member, two of the drivers and three health workers are missing,” the statement said.


The ambush happened in Kennari, a village outside Damasak, AFP reported.

The three-vehicle convoy was returning to Damasak from Layi village where ACF runs a clinic when gunmen opened fire, AFP said, citing a humanitarian source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

One of the vehicles veered off the road and crashed into a tree, killing the driver.

“The four were stuck in the vehicle and seized by the attackers,” the humanitarian source said.

“The occupants in the other vehicles abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot to Damasak, eight kilometres [five miles] away,” the source added.

The statement partly read, “We are deeply saddened by this tragic incident as these are colleagues dedicated to providing life-saving assistance to individuals and families affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the northeast of Nigeria.

We are very concerned and want to ensure that they are safe and can be reunited with their families.

“We express our deepest condolences to the family of our driver and we extend our support to the family of our missing colleagues as well as others affected by this incident.”

Action Against Hunger provides humanitarian assistance in the northeast part of Nigeria, especially to women and children.