The Chief Medical Director of National Hospital, Abuja, Dr. Jaf Momoh has on Tuesday announced that the hospital has successfully carried out its first conjoined twins separation surgery.

He made the announcement while addressing pressmen, saying the twin girls who were delivered on August 13, 2018, at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Keffi in Nasarawa State were joined at the chest and abdomen.


"They have therefore been on admission at the hospital for more than 16 months, for care and several diagnostic procedures for a detailed diagnosis in preparation for the surgery," Dr. Momoh said.


"The hospital management decided to fund the care and the entire processes leading to the major surgical procedure for the separation as our corporate social responsibility.


"We therefore, ensured that lack of funds did not stop these beautiful girls from having the opportunity to enjoy their lives independently," he added.


The CMD called on state governments to give better funding for healthcare so as to have better service delivery and curb medical tourism.


"So the states need to do more in other to build specialty hospitals or support the existing ones and employ more staff so that we will not be having brain drain.


"They should also provide places for housemanship in their general hospitals so that we will not be having young doctors or health workers roaming the streets for years.


"I believe we can reverse medical tourism slowly. There will be a time where services like this will be available in many places and if you have to travel abroad, it is because you just want to go.


The 12 hour separation surgery comprised of 78 medical personnel led by Heda of Chief Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Prof. Emmanuel Ameh.


Prof. Ameh said the girls' condition and health would continue to be monitored for smooth recovery.