Following the COVID-19 global pandemic, of Saudi Arabia in a bid to curb the spread of the disease has announced that it will allow a 'very limited' number of residents in the Kingdom to perform hajj this year. This came after some Muslim nations pulled out of this year's hajj. Also, Saudi has in recent times recorded the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the Gulf area. The Saudi Arabia Hajj ministry said the annual ritual will be open to various nationalities already residing in the Kingdom.

"It was decided to hold the pilgrimage this year with very limited numbers… with different nationalities in the kingdom,

"This decision is taken to ensure the hajj is performed in a safe manner from a public health perspective… and in accordance with the teachings of Islam," the Kingdom's Press Agency said.

The annual hajj ritual attracts millions of Muslims but with the pandemic and restriction on this year's hajj, the Kingdom may have few thousands of intending domestic pilgrims.