There is widespread apprehension especially in the health sector over the proposed 6% budgetary cut in United States 2017/2018 budget meant for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Earlier this year, the Trump's administration had proposed a $242 million cut in funding of the Presidential Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR). PEPFAR is a United States governmental initiative to address the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and help save the lives of those suffering from the disease, primarily in Africa.

The scheme provides antiretroviral treatment to over 7 million HIV infected persons in developing countries.

The President of the International AIDS Society, Linda-Gail Bekker who raised the concern at the 9th International AIDS Conference on HIV Science held in Paris stated that the gains so far achieved in the reduction of spread of HIV could change if the US goes ahead to cut funding. "Without resources, we will not be able to do what needs to be done. This could affect availability of drug and ultimately lead to further spread of the virus"

She disclosed that so far, deaths arising from HIV/AIDS have been halved since 2005 following intense researches and availability of drugs. She lamented that all these could change if the US which is the heavy financier of the project cut funding.